Emerging Fuels Factsheets
It can be difficult to keep up with the changing landscape of fuels. It seems like there is a new fuel technology every day. As we transition off of fossil fuels, we expect that there will be proposals for all sorts of emerging fuel facilities. We want communities to be prepared for whatever proposals come their way.
SUTO developed these five factsheets on emerging fuel types in cooperation with Cerulogy, a firm of experts on emerging fuels and emerging fuel education. The first factsheet is a summary of the other four factsheets, which each have links to in-depth background information.
We know that everyone is at a different level of familiarity with emerging fuels. Don’t worry if you’re starting with the basics. The fossil fuel industry has made it difficult to learn about these things on purpose. We will continue developing resources at every level to help communities be as informed as possible.
Stay tuned for more resources coming out soon!