Stopping New Terminals and Pipelines

Since its founding in 2015, the Stand Up To Oil campaign has stopped eight out of eight proposed terminals in the Pacific Northwest.

However, the Pacific Northwest remains a key target for the oil industry, but the battle is shifting away from major new terminal proposals toward conversions of existing infrastructure into crude export facilities and diversification of refining operations into new products.


Oil Spill Prevention

The Stand Up To Oil campaign is working to increase protection from the oil already traveling in our region and put more of the burden of risk on the oil industry.

The 2019 legislative session resulted in major oil transportation safety policy wins in both Washington and Oregon. The spill prevention legislation passed this year in Washington requires vessels carrying crude oil in the Salish Sea, such as barges and smaller oil tankers, to be escorted by a tug around the San Juan Islands. Oregon passed legislation that improves safety measures by requiring spill response plans for oil transported by rail.


Fortifying Against Fossil Fuels

In addition to fighting specific terminals, Stand Up To Oil works to create local policy barriers in communities targeted by the fossil fuel industry to prevent bad projects from being proposed there in the first place.

We have successfully held the line on the bans established over the last few years, and we are seeing progress in moving from temporary moratoriums to permanent land use code changes, and ensuring these policies cover all fossil fuels, not just oil.