Canadian officials have just made a decision that threatens the environment and economy of Washington. The massive Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline threatens our shared waters, shared economies, and our shared climate.
If built, the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline would result in nearly a seven-fold increase in dangerous tar sands oil tanker traffic, or 37 additional tankers and barges every month, transporting crude oil through the Salish Sea shared by Washington and British Columbia. A tar sands oil spill would devastate the Salish Sea, destroying tribal treaty-reserved fishing rights and commercial fisheries, fouling shorelines and beaches, and dooming the orca whales that call these waters home.
We call on Governor Inslee, Senators Murray and Cantwell, and Washington’s entire federal delegation to communicate the urgency and significance of our opposition to this project to Canadian Federal decision makers and British Columbian Provincial officials.
Salmon, tribes and future generations of all humanity are already at risk of extinction. Transporting oil through our region’s precious waters increases the likelihood of habitat-fouling spills and uncontrollable global warming. Clean water is critical to all life in the Pacific Northwest. Our habitat cannot withstand further upticks in temperature or ocean acidification. Pipelines are a threat to human rights, tribal rights, and our dependence on the diverse organisms that inhabit our planet. At this critical and urgent point, we must keep fossil fuels in the ground — prohibit mining and transport of oil. Instead, we should be working as a **global community** to develop and approve the tools needed to harness and distribute clean, renewable energy. Life on our planet does not recognize federal boundaries. The Pacific Coast is a vital resource to all, please protect our shared habitat and fight fossil fuel development in our region.
Our fragile ecosystem is too precious to risk just for a pipeline. A corporation would see profits, and we the people are the ones subjected to harms way. The greatest at risk is our wildlife and environment, something a single spill would damage beyond repair. We must be the voice that says NO! This traffic will come through Washington waters, we the people say NO.
Please consider urging the Canadian government to make the pipeline operator pay for more rescue tugs.
Please oppose the Kinder Morgan pipeline. Any level of spill would devastate my island home and our fragile Salish Sea waters. This was a reckless by Canada and the US should not stand for these risks. Save the salmon, the orcas and ALL life in the Salish Sea.
Allowing the pipeline is the recipe for disaster.
#RenewableEnergy #NoFosilFuels
Be the leaders to stop oil and promote sustainable energy. No ocean protection plans or risk mitigation is good enough. One small accident can destroy the echo system permanently. We cannot do this anymore. Please stop oil.
It is time to go forward not backwards and make progressive moves and stand up to oil. Please visit our website at and view the Lemon Creek spill information. I personally launched a private prosecution against Executive Flight as they spilled 33 000 litres of jet fuel into a mountain creek. The govt. has now taken over the prosecution. We in our small mountain community have seen the death from fuel pollution into water.
Our government officials need to take a stand against this pipeline. We have everything to lose in the PNW and the risks are too great to allow this additional capacity in BC! STOP!!