Kinder Morgan Transmountain Pipeline


Canadian officials have just made a decision that threatens the environment and economy of Washington state. They need to hear from our leaders that we don’t want the risk of tar sands oil tankers in our shared coastal waters. This means our leaders need to hear from you.

The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline would bring 595,000 barrels per day of dirty tar sands oil from Alberta to Vancouver BC and then ship it out through the Salish Sea between Washington and British Columbia. The result would be a 700% increase in oil tanker traffic to 400 tankers every year.

Let our elected officials know that we want them to convey our opposition to their Canadian counterparts and about the risks the impacts on us as Washingtonians.

We have seen what tar sands do when spilled – they sink, leach toxic residue, and cannot be cleaned up. The pipeline break in the Kalamazoo River cost over $1 billion and it took years to recover a small amount of the oil.

It’s no wonder that 59 BC Tribes and First Nations and more than 22 local governments in British Columbia have already voiced their opposition to this project. You can add your voice to theirs by signing: