Take action to urge the decision makers to say no to the terminal and deny the permits!
The FEIS released today finds significant environmental and public health impacts that cannot be mitigated away, exposing the people and environment of Grays Harbor to increased and unjustifiable risks should the oil shipping terminals be built. (Read the full final EIS here.)
The FEIS acknowledges that tribal resources and tribal fishing will be harmed if this oil shipping terminal is built. Executive Summary at S-37-38: “Vessels related to the proposed action would travel through and dock in usual and accustomed fishing areas in Grays Harbor. Under current and future conditions, increased vessel traffic could restrict access to tribal fishing areas in the navigation channel and adjacent to Terminal 1. This conflict is most likely during fall fishing for salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon.”
“The increased vessel traffic could affect commercial fishing by disrupting fishing in the navigation channel, particularly from the Crossover Channel Reach of the navigation channel to the turning basin and at Terminal 1.” Executive Summary at S-32.
The FEIS found that “no mitigation measures would completely eliminate the possibility of a spill, fire, or explosion, nor would they completely eliminate the adverse consequences of a spill, fire, or explosion.” Executive Summary at S-38. Water, plants, animals, recreation, commercial fishing, tribal and cultural resources, air, and human health could all experience “significant impacts.” Executive Summary at S-38 – 39.
The FEIS recognized significant vehicle delays that would be caused by increased rail traffic at grade crossings in Aberdeen. Executive Summary at S-38.
These impacts include increased noise from increased rail traffic through communities along the rail line near the terminal. Executive Summary at S-37.
The FEIS identified that a tsunami from a large earthquake in this region would likely cause “unavoidable and significant adverse environmental impacts at or near the project site.” Executive Summary at S-37. The FEIS recommends mitigation measures to improve storage tank design.
The FEIS looks at economic costs from the proposed project, including costs from increased traffic delays, increased exposure to traffic accidents, costs of training Hoquiam First Responders, decreased property values, financial losses to businesses, commercial fisheries, and human health in the event of an oil spill. Executive Summary at S-35 – 36.
The FEIS recognizes that “[f]or rail and vessel transport, minority and low-income populations closest to the rail line and around Grays Harbor could be disproportionately affected. Potential disproportionate impacts would also include increased exposure to risks of incidents resulting in spills, fires, or explosions.” Executive Summary at S-34.